Thoughts on different technologies to use in the classroom...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wordia Examples

I have been waiting for my wordia account- I have not recieved an email yet and have not been able to log in to wordia schools.  I am working on figuring out what the problem is, but in the meantime I wanted to post some examples from the commercial side of the site.  This is a new tool, and when I tried out some science words on the commercial page, such as heart and lung, there were dictionary definitions but no videos yet.  In addition, on the commercial side there are some drawbacks for use in the classroom: there are examples of how the word is currently being used on twitter.  I can see potential risks with words like heart, although artery might be safer.

Here is an example of  Wordia defining the word internet. 

If you choose the examples tab on the top of the page, you can get all videos that have been uploaded, as well as the word in use. 

This is the first video the site lists for "internet".  It is simple, using an interactive whiteboard and 2 students.  It is a YouTube video uploaded to their site....

On the positive side, it is easy to obtain a link for the definition, which could be posted on your teacher website or within a document in your teacher handout folder.  Try it for yourself: Internet definition on Wordia.

I like this tool; I hope I figure out how to get into Wordia schools so I can see if the science vocabulary is larger.

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